The PANTER project establishes a reliable, publicly available monitor for funding models, prices and price developments in the OA journal market. It thus aims to address one of the major information gaps that stand in the way of a sustainable and innovation-friendly OA transformation. Although the importance of prices and costs can hardly be overestimated, the OA publication market lacks what has long been established in most market segments: comparison portals that make prices for products and services transparent and comparable. Article processing charges, submission fees, etc. represent financial barriers that determine whether a research result can be published in OA or not. Scientists who plan their publications, as well as funding bodies and libraries that decide on budgets and negotiate contracts, are therefore dependent on valid price information. However, there is a lack of suitable comparison tools. In turn, the individual search is time-consuming and quickly overwhelms due to the heterogeneous price structures. The price monitor that is being developed in the project fills this gap. It enables all stakeholders in OA publishing to view and compare prices for publication services. It has a user interface that is optimized to meet the needs of the relevant stakeholders. In addition to the current data, it also makes medium- and long-term trends visible and creates transparency in the pricing policy on the publication market.

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Keck, M., Kammer, D., Wojdziak, J., Taranko, S., Groh, R. (2010). DelViz: Untersuchen von Visualisierungsformen durch eine Klassifizierung beruhend auf Social Tagging. In: Virtual enterprises, Communities & social networks: Workshop GeneMe ’10 Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien.