SYNC-ID – Synchronisierte Interaktionen über Distanzen

The overall objective of the SYNC-ID project is to create a laboratory environment that enables multi-sensory and synchronous experiences over large distances. For the interaction, visual, auditory as well as tactile sensory impressions are to be conveyed depending on the position in space. We thus address essential deficits of virtual encounters after large parts of private and public life have been displaced into the digital realm, not least by the COVID pandemic. In doing so, we explore the topic of atmospheres in which encounters and work processes take place. The laboratory will be created within a standard office container in conjunction with the project MIR (Mobile Interaction Room).


von der Weth, R., Helmeke, N., Freitag, G., Kammer, D.: MIR – Multisensorischer Interaktionsraum (Deutsch)

Schwarz, S., Safouilline, R., Mühlberg, F., Kammer, D., Freitag, G., von der Weth, R.: Musizieren über Distanzen (Deutsch)

Related Publications

Orawetz, J., Mühlberg, F., Freitag, G., Kammer, D. (2024). Mulsemedia Recording of RealWorld Places for Reproduction in Replicable Immersive Environments. In: International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 2024 (AVI 2024), June 3–7, 2024, Arenzano, Genoa, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Kammer, D., Wacker, M. Slavík, P., Míkovec, Z. (eds). (2023). Proceedings of the 25th Bilateral Student Workshop CTU Prague and HTW Dresden - User Interfaces & Visualization. In: Qucosa, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB).

von der Weth, R., Ballin, P., Freitag, G., Kammer, D. (2022). Immersive Virtuelle Umgebungen als Kontext für handlungsorientiertes Lernen. In: Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XIV (S. 173-179). Aachen, Deutschland: Shaker Verlag.