VESBA – Visuelle Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der ganzheitlichen Planung und Steuerung von Bahnprozessen

The goal of the project is to develop visual decision support for the holistic planning and control of railway processes. A central focus is on the perfectly visualised design of the planning cycle, in particular the planning model. The focus is on perfect user interaction, both during the manual creation of the planning and during manual intervention in time-critical operational planning situations. The aim is also to optimise user interaction when using artificial intelligence for automatic planning. The solution must be able to process enormous amounts of data and allow it to be labelled, sorted and filtered. The project mainly addresses interactions with the node network as well as integrated interactions between the node network and the Gantt chart. Long-term planning tasks aim to achieve the best possible global solutions, while the best possible solutions with minimum reaction time should be achieved in the event of failures. Various visual methods are being researched for both problems. The aim is to significantly improve the efficiency, precision and responsiveness of railway process planning through these measures. The team members qualify in visualising complex data structures in an understandable and appealing way and in developing user-friendly tools for decision support.

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Keck, M., Kammer, D., Wojdziak, J., Taranko, S., Groh, R. (2010). DelViz: Untersuchen von Visualisierungsformen durch eine Klassifizierung beruhend auf Social Tagging. In: Virtual enterprises, Communities & social networks: Workshop GeneMe ’10 Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien.