I am professor for Visual Engineering (Technische Visualistik) at the University for Applied Sciences in Dresden (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden). My teaching and research is focused on visualization and interaction techniques and technologies. During my PhD at TU Dresden, I developed a formalization for multitouch-gestures based on a semiotic analysis framework. Current research is focused on multidimensional visualization methods in the domain of machine learning and interaction techniques for novel, elastic displays. My teaching is focused on future skills and problem-solving by employing methods such as blended and project-based learning.


Research Grants
Full List

OLEANDER – OPAL Learning Analytics Datenerschließung

Free State of Saxony, Ministry of Science




SYNC-ID – Synchronisierte Interaktionen über Distanzen

Free State of Saxony, Ministry of Science


LEAC – Learning Analytics Cockpit

Free State of Saxony, Ministry of Science



Best Demo Award for "Kickstarting Application Development for Elastic Displays with Do-it-yourself Hardware Assembly Instructions" from International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 2024 (AVI 2024)


Best Paper Honorable Mention for "Glyphboard: Visual Exploration of High-dimensional Data Combining Glyphs with Dimensionality Reduction" from Visualization in Data Science (VDS at IEEE VIS 2019)


Best Paper Award for „Visualizing Uncertainty in Flow Diagrams; A Case Study in Product Costing" from The 10th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2017)


Best Paper Award for "Get Inspired; A Visual Divide And Conquer Approach For Motive-Based Search Scenarios" from International Conference on WWW/Internet 2014


Nomination for the Georg-Helm-Preis awarded by the Verein zur Förderung von Studierenden der TU Dresden e.V. by the Faculty of Computer Science of Technische Universität Dresden


Enno-Heidebroek-Urkunde for the best diploma in media computer science in the class of 2010


Full List

Müller, M., Kammer, D., Franke, I. S. (2024). Kickstarting Application Development for Elastic Displays with Do-it-yourself Hardware Assembly Instructions. In: International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces 2024 (AVI 2024), June 3–7, 2024, Arenzano, Genoa, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3656650.3656678

Müller, M., Stoll, E., Krauß, A-M., Hannß, F., Kammer, D. (2022). Investigating Usability and User Experience of Layer-based Interaction with a Deformable Elastic Display. In: AVI 2022: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. https://doi.org/10.1145/3531073.3531101

Urban, A., Hick, D., Noennig, J.R., Kammer, D. (2021). With a Little Help From AI: Pros and Cons of AI in Urban Planning and Participation. In: International Journal of Urban Planning and Smart Cities (IJUPSC). https://doi.org/10.4018/IJUPSC.2021070102

Keck, M., Stoll, E., Kammer, D. (2021). A Didactic Framework for Analyzing Learning Activities to Design InfoVis Courses. In: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2021.3115416

Kammer, D., Keck, M., Gründer, T., Maasch, A., Thom, T., Kleinsteuber, M., Groh, R. (2020). Glyphboard: Visual Exploration of High-dimensional Data Combining Glyphs with Dimensionality Reduction. In: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2020.2969060

Vosough, Z., Kammer, D., Keck, M., Groh, R. (2019). Visualization approaches for understanding uncertainty in flow diagrams. In: Journal of Computer Languages. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cola.2019.03.002

Kammer, D., Wojdziak, J., Keck, M., Groh, R., Taranko, S. (2010). Towards a formalization of multi-touch gestures. In: ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. https://doi.org/10.1145/1936652.1936662